- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of weight loading on heart rate in the daily life of university students. Ten male students, 20 to 23 years of age, volunteered to participate in the study. They spent two normal weekdays with or without 1 kg weights on each ankle. Their heart rate was measured during the 8 hours from approximately 8:00 to 16:00, using a portable wireless heart rate monitor that consisted of a transmitter and a receiver. At the same time, the number of steps was counted by a pedometer and each action was recorded. Mean heart rates, with and without weights, for the ten subjects were 79.0 and 78.1 beats/min, respectively. The differences of mean heart rate between the two testing days were not constant but varied with the individual that was tested. Additionally, there were many subjects whose heart rates scarcely exceeded 130 or even 100 beats/min during both days. The effect of weight loading on heart rate was insignificant under the condition of daily life, although treadmill walking with weights clearly increases the heart rate according to some literature. It seems that heavier weights (more than 1 kg/ankle) or more intensive physical activities would produce a more significant effect on the heart rate.
- 2003-11-25
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