- 論文の詳細を見る
The Seikatsu Club Consumers' Cooperative decided to establish workers collectives or self-ventures fitted to Japanese housewives movement in community. In the Japanese labor market, chances for women to be employed in the same conditions as men have not been still in existence. In addition, it is very difficult for housewives to get jobs which they are interested in. By establishing workers collectives the Seikatsu Club has made efforts to solve this problem. The way to work in workers collective can give housewives the chance to work near their houses and the jobs available which the government and the corporation cannot give them. Nowadays, women themselves have organized various types of workers collectives such as serving lunches for the workers or the senior people, offering services for the mothers before and after childbirth or for sickpersons, supporting the jobs of consumers' cooperatives, managing recycling shops and soap factories, and so on. In summary, the workers collective movement has many elements which are valuable for our society as job organizations of the third or commons sector.
- 1996-10-19
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