- 論文の詳細を見る
In analyzing modern political systems, it is an important problem by which term to distinguish their features, control or domination. If one expresses the feature by the term of control, he says that there is no fundamental antagonism of interests in the system. But if he does by the term of domination, he recognizes that there is an antagonism of interests. In the case of Niklas Luhmann, he wants to characterize the modern political system by the term of control. He says that modern society functionally differentiates into some sub-systems. And the political system - one of sub-systems - is moreover differentiating into three sub-systems - i. e. polity, public administration, and public. He insists that modern political order is constructed in the process of interaction among these three sub-systems, and that there is no center or summit which is dominant in the social system. But when he analyzes modern welfare states, he increasingly insists the importance of public administration and bureaucracy. They hold important places in the modern political process by playing the role of substantive decision-making. So there will remain the aspect of domination in modern political system even in Luhmann's theory if he fails in his atempt to control the bureaucracy. I think that both aspects remain ununitedly in Luhmann's theory.
- 社会・経済システム学会の論文
- 1984-11-01
- 紛争処理と専門家のリーダーシップ(小西中和教授退職記念論文集)
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