カオスをめぐって考えること : 人文科学と自然科学のかさなり
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The word "Chaos" was introduced in the mathematics in 1975 by Robert May. But, before this publication, there was pessimism for the future of science. For example, "The Coming of the Golden Age" by G. S. Stent emphasized difficulty which exist in science, mainly in physics. He called this difficulty by the name of "The second step of non determinism." Because, we already had experienced Newton's determinism and nextly the first stage of non determinism (Quantum mechanics.) But, now our natural science encountered new difficulty which is called "The second stage of non determinism." This difficulty had been found in social science long before this stage of natural science. That is the lack of suitable statistical method which describe Pareto Law in Economics. In this essay, we pointed out that some part of Stent's conclusion was based on the work of Mandelbrot. Now, Mandelbrot oriented to his Theory of Fractals. And also, just after the publication of Stent's book, the theory of Chaos had begun. And now, we, the people of science and social science, can confront with this difficulty basing new mathematical concept. At least, we arrived to discuss this problem altogether in the same frame work.
- 社会・経済システム学会の論文
- 1983-11-01
- Weak Coupled Diffusion Systemについて (非線型発展方程式とその近似理論)
- (90) 喘息患者血清中の特異抗体の多様性とアレルゲンに対する結合順位について(喘息〔III〕)
- S3 技術と科学の教育に数学はどのように位置しているか (「技術教育と科学教育との総合化」)
- カオスをめぐって考えること : 人文科学と自然科学のかさなり
- Introductory Talk : Korteweg-de Vries方程式数学の立場よりの歴史的概観 (ソリトンの研究会報告集)
- 高木関数とその一般化について(Noncausal Calculusとその周辺)
- Weierstrassの連続関数の周辺(非線形現象と力学系の理論)
- ワイエルシュトラウスの関数のみたす関数方程式(函数方程式とその応用)
- 非線形弾性論における数値解析特異点の数値的変形について (有限要素法の基礎理論 III)
- 工業数学と応用数学に関する第1回国際会議について
- 1次元と2次元のカオスについて
- タイトル無し