Fluctuation of acceleration at kneejoint level by ankle joint imitation in normal subjects.
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本生理人類学会の論文
- 1993-09-01
Koriyama Institute of Health Sciences
Fujiwara Takayuki
Research Institute Of Health Science And Education
Shinshu University
NARITA Masayuki
Musashino-dai Hospitai
Musashino-dai Hospitai
Musashino-dai Hospitai
OGAWA Kiyotaka
Musashino-dai Hospitai
Musashino-dai Hospitai
Koriyama Institute of Health Sciences
Karasuno Hiroshi
Koriyama Institute Of Health Sciences
Fujiwara Takayuki
School Of Physical Therapy Koriyama Institute Of Health Sciences
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