Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of Knee Electromyograms by a Bluetooth-communication Gait Analyzer : Integration and Power Spectral Analysis of Surface Electromyograms
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-08-28
Koriyama Institute of Health Sciences
Fujiwara Takayuki
Research Institute Of Health Science And Education
Castel Chris
Accelerated Care Plus Co., Ltd.
Draper David
Brigham Young University
Castel Chris
Accelerated Care Plus
Fujiwara Takayuki
Koriyama Inst. Of Health Sciences
Palermo Francis
Accelerated Care Plus
Koriyama Tohto Academy Educational Foundation Koriyama Institute of Health Sciences
Koriyama Institute of Health Sciences
Koriyama Institute of Health Sciences
Karasuno Hiroshi
Koriyama Institute Of Health Sciences
Fujiwara Takayuki
School Of Physical Therapy Koriyama Institute Of Health Sciences
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