A203 セルオートマトンによる交通流シミュレータの開発(交通流)
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper describes a traffic flow simulator in a parking area of large-scale store and surrounding road network by Cellular Automata. In order to avoid the traffic jam, it is important to investigate the traffic flow of the road network by simulation under various environmental conditions. In the present paper, Cellular Automata was introduced in modeling the traffic flow. The parking area and surrounding road network were divided into cells, on which cars defined as one of state variables moved in relation to other state variables on neighboring cells along discrete time step. A map editor of road networks and simulator were developed , and a simulation was carried out under several situations of the road network connections and the traffic quantity. As a result, the traffic flow of a road network including parkings could be simulated under various conditions of road and traffic.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-11-14
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