A113 マルチエージェントシステムを用いた製品の最適リサイクルシミュレーション(集団行動のマルチエージェントシミュレーション)
- 論文の詳細を見る
It is necessary to construct the information network system which constituted by consumer, producer and administration, etc. in order to plan the optimum recycling system. This study constructed the algorithm which deduced optimum recycling system based on dispersive product information from the viewpoint of energy and resources. This model was constructed by applying multiagent system. By the agent with the criterion respectively affecting the product-waste database, it becomes possible that the optimum recycling map is calculated. This model is constituted by the product model which shows the manufacturing-recycling process of the product and the agent model which affects the product model. The product model replaces the parts which constitute the product with the numeral, and it has shown the product in the continued numerals. It becomes possible that by replacing products and parts with the connected numeral, each small steps such as manufacturing, trouble, disposal are correspondent to synthesis, division, numeral substitutions of the sequence, and that the algorithm of the optimization is applied easily. The agent set 3 types of "the material recycling agent", "the decomposition agent" and "the assembly agent". Each agent possesses information of assembly, decomposition methods as genetic information. Then, the point is given, when each task is achieved, and breeding and extinction are carried out. It was able to be confirmed that the agent constructs the recycling root when we considered the basic model composed of 2 kinds of parts.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-11-14
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