3S 野球用ヘルメットの安全性
- 論文の詳細を見る
For a baseball game, a helmet is indispensable equipment. A function of a helmet for baseball is to defend the head of a batter from a hit by pitch that is careless pitch of a pitcher. In this paper we report about the safety of a helmet for baseball. Safety is secured by safety standard. The specifications that are demanded from a helmet are prevents the skull fracture of a batter. The danger of a hit by pitch to the head depends on the occurrence of an epidural hematoma by skull fracture. In recent years, the possibility of diffuse axonal injury also point out. In this year, a helmet for a pitcher is also developed in order to protect a head of pitcher from batted ball.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2000-11-08
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- 224 トレッキング用ポールに作用する力
- 3S 野球用ヘルメットの安全性
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