212 自動車リサイクル率 95% に向けた提案
- 論文の詳細を見る
End of Life Vehicles (ELV) are produced five million cars a year in Japan. New low for ELV treatment will be enforced in 2004 to recover the material and reduce the load to landfill. The aim for recycle is 95% and reduction of residue to landfill is one fifth of 1996. This paper introduces the new technology, Pyrolisis and melting system, to achieve the recycle rate 95% and reduction of residue one fifth. The pyrolysis and melting plant is operating over than four years. The materials recovered from the plant are slag which can be used as road construction material and metals which don't rust and molten. The material to be deposit in landfill is only flue gas cleaning residue. The recycle rate becomes 95.4% and the reduction becomes one thirty-second based on the operation data.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-07-09
- 226 熱分解ガス化溶融施設(キルン式)運転報告
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- 222 熱分解チャーからダイオキシン吸着用活性チャーの製造
- 81.石炭・廃棄物からのダイオキシン吸着用活性炭の製造
- 212 自動車リサイクル率 95% に向けた提案
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- 熱分解ガス化溶融実証プラントの運転結果
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