B101 熱供給用超小型原子炉に関する研究開発
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In next century, a great deal of energy is used for pablic life in this coutry. This paper describes two new very small reactors for thermal heat supply to pulic use, such as air-conditioning and hot water. These reactor are characterized by the high safety, the long life fuel and the excellent cost performance. The reactor is an integrated and natural circulated PWR with passive safety systems. The reactor is designed with simple structure and enough isolation efficiency to be installed in the deep underground or settled on the base floor of a office building in a large city.
- 2000-10-30
- 578 原子炉圧力容器用超厚鋼材の破壊靱性特性に及ぼす中性子照射の影響(破壊靱性・脆性破壊・水素脆化 : ラインパイプ・厚板, 材料, 日本鉄鋼協会 第 105 回(春季)講演大会)
- III. 核分裂工学
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- 338.ビルの熱供給に適した超小型原子炉の概念設計
- B101 熱供給用超小型原子炉に関する研究開発
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