気管支喘息症状の年令的推移 : 老人喘息の問題
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Asthma bronchiale is a disease that we can see it in every age group, but their is remarkable difference according to the ages of patients in the rate of oneset of the disease and in it's symptomes. 1) Oneset of the disease was most frequent below ten years of age, and after this it decreases gradually with the increase of ages. 2) The average of erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 8.1 mm in the first decade. After ten years of age it increased gradually, and particulary in the group over 61 years of age it showed the valance of 50.5 mm per one hour. 3) Eosinophilia was found in 65.8 per cent of the patients under 40 years of age and in 25.4 per cent of the patients over 40 years of age. 4) The incidence of positive family history of allergy was 65.8 per cent in the group under 40 years old and was 46.2 per cent in the older age group. Hereditary disposition was found more densely in the younger age groups, and it happened in 73.1 per cent of the patients below ten years of age. The Occurence of patient's own personal history of allergy was also perdominated in the younger groups. 5) Seasonal occurence of attacks was most frequent in the patients under ten years old. Eighty two per cent of the patients in the first decade showed seasonality of their attacks, its percentage reduced as the age advanced, but after 50 years of age it rised again owing to the increase of infections of respiratory tracts. 6) House dust showed the highest incidence of positive immediate skin reactions of all antigens tested. Skin reaction was also found to be positive in 31.4 per cent of the patients under 40 years of age and 17.8 per cent of the patients in the older group. Delayed type skin reaction showed no defference in both groups in it's positive occurence. 7) It was remarkable that using Praunitz-Kustner technic reagin was very frequently found in the sera of the elder asthmatics who showed negative skin reaction to house dust antigen. It was also demonstrated that the sera of positive reaction to bacterial antigens showed a high incidence of positive Prausnitz-Kustner reactions. In conclusion, asthma in older patients is scanty of allergic characters, and oppositely it is rich in infections symptomes. This characteristics of old asthmatics are not owing to the lack of reagins. Actually reagins can be found frequently in their sera. It is not proved that infectious type asthma is brought by infectious allergy which may accompany the delayed hypersensitivity. It seems probable that bacteria in the respiratory tracts of asthmatics are playing some role at inhalant allergens which produce immediate type skin reactions.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1968-05-30
- 室内塵に関する研究(第4回アレルゲン研究会)
- 2. 気管支喘息に関する研究(第4報)(第12回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- (4) 室内塵に関する研究(抗原〔I〕)
- 4.室内塵に関する研究(抗原I)
- 96)室内塵に関する研究(続報)
- 15.室内塵に関する研究 (続報)(C. 皮内反応に関するもの)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 52.気管支喘息アレルゲンの研究(第3報)(第11回日本アレルギー学会総会一般演題)
- 36)いわゆるAortic Arch Syndromeの臨床的観察
- 21. 気管支喘息の研究(続報)(第14回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 20.室内塵に関する研究(続報)(第13回日本アレルギー学会総会)
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- 蕁麻疹の臨床的観察
- 気管支喘息症状の年令的推移 : 老人喘息の問題
- 3.室内塵エキスの精製について(第5回アレルゲン研究会)
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