牛フィブリノーゲンによる抗原抗体反応に関する研究 : 第2報.腎における活動性アナフィラキシー時の病理組織学的変化について
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In the several cases of fibrinogen deficiency, anaphylactic death are reported as the complication of intravenous fibrinogen therapy, and these accidents suggest the immunological pathogenesis on the some cases of acquired fibrinogen deficiency. In the present paper, the experimental fibrinogen deficiency were carried out on the rabbits by means of active anaphylaxis as similar mechanism to these clinical accidents, and histological changes were observed on the kidney. The provocative injection was carried out through the unilateral renal artery or marginal ear vein of the rabbits which were sensitized with the 6 times of intravenous bovine fibrinogen injection, and these rabbits were sacrificed by the total bleeding from 24 to 48 hours after the provocative injection. Major histological changes of the kidney were as follows: 1) Most of glomeruli showed ischemia, swelling and infiltration of pseudo-eosinophilic leucocytes, and some of them showed swelling of the endothelial cells adhesion with Bowman's capsule and hyaline like thrombosis, 2) In some glomerulus, marked degenerative changes of the capillary loops were seen, 3) In the tubules, hyaline droplet degeneration with hyaline casts in the renal tubular cavity, were observed, 4) Then in the small arteries, proliferation and swelling of the endothelial cells, and perivascular edema were found. The similar findings to these renal changes are observed on the kidney in the experiments by means of intravascular antigen-antibody reaction depend on the tissue antigens from various elements of blood for the example erythrocytes, thrombocytes or γ-globulin. These obsevations indicated the histological changes on the kidneys of the autopsy cases of various hematological diseases or disorder after recieved massive blood transfar especially used the cardio-pulmonary bypass.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1968-04-30
- 128. 肝における抗原抗体反応に関する研究(第6報) : 抗ウサギ胎盤血清による組織学的変化について(組織抗原とその周辺)
- (27) 腎における抗原抗体反応に関する研究(第12報)(肝腎とアレルギー)
- 27.腎における抗原抗体反応に関する研究(第12報)(肝腎, とアレルギー)
- 92.肺における抗原抗体反応に関する研究フィブリノーゲン, フィブリン抗原による組織学的変化について(抗原抗体反応)
- 128.肝における抗原抗体反応に関する研究(第6報) : 抗ウサギ胎盤血清による組織学的変化について(組織抗原とその周辺)
- 牛フィブリノーゲンによる抗原抗体反応に関する研究 : 第2報.腎における活動性アナフィラキシー時の病理組織学的変化について
- 牛フィブリノーゲンによる抗原抗体反応に関する研究 : 第1報 肝における活動性アナフィラキシー時の病理組織学的変化について
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