気管支喘息の研究 : 第1報. Allergy Centre 2年半における気管支喘息の臨床集計成績
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In 213 cases of bronchial asthma treated and observed in our Allergy Centre during the period from July 15, 1964 to January 14, 1967, the results of clinical studies are as follows:- 1) As to the sexual distinction, male/female ratio of the adult patients (127 cases) with bronchial asthma is 1.59, and that of the pediatric (86 cases) is 2.58. 2) 70.9% of the adult patients and 53.5% of the pediatric have the hereditary diathesis of allergic diseases. 3) According to the complaint of the patients, we investigated what is thought as inductive to asthmatic attacks. It is considered that house dust, smoke, insecticides, paints, woods, etc. have inductive relation to asthmatic attacks; and likewise do egg, milk, chocolate, chicken; yam, taro, spinach, sweet glutinous 'sake', bambooshoot, egg-apple, buckwheat; curry, mustard, etc. The attack frequency of asthma is heightened in October, September, November, March, April, for the year; and from midnight to dawn for the day. Weather before rain, menstruation, overworking, overeating, want of sleep, exitement, irritation, strain, physical exercise or laugh also proved to have some relation to induce asthmatic attacks. 4) The intracutaneous test by inhalatory allergen extracts was tried to examine the sensitivity in each subject. The frequency order of positive reaction was as follows: house dust (62.3%, the highest of all), aspergillus mould, common ragweed pollen, cat's tail pollen (typha angustata), old mat, silk, cottonwool, buckwheat husks, and so on. As to the intracutaneous test by food allergen, positive reaction in children for white of egg and yolk was conspicuous. In 31.5% of all patients, positive reaction to intracutaneous test using these substances coincided with more than one cause stated by subjects. And in 22.0%, positive reaction was proved to some of these substances although subjects did not state any causes of astmatic attacks. Especially in the test by house dust allergen, positive reaction was approved in 69.3% who affirmed the relation to these substances, and as well in 57.1% who denied the relation. 5) From the results of routine clinical examinations, following points are noticed:- a) On summarizing the results of various kinds of examintion, the diagnosis of hepatitis was given in 6 cases with bronchial asthma, and the disorder of hepatic function did not run parallel to the seriousness of asthma. b) In 21 of 60 cases examined by means of electrocardiography, some abnormal curves were noticed. c) Some increasing tendency of WBC was observed in cases of asthmatic attacks, and considered to be related with the infection. Eosinophilia was also noticed in 78.8% of 193 cases during the whole period of observation, and ti seemed to become remarkable simultaneously with astmatic attacks. d) The hypofunction of adrenal cortex was seen in 2 of 12 cases with bronchial asthma, but the number of cases examined was too small to prove the definite tendencies of adrenal function. e) Serum total protain, A/G ratio and protein fraction were normal in large majority of the subjects with bronchial asthma. Only in one case, remarkable hypo-γ-globulin fraction was noticed, and it seems that the interpretation of such abnormality would be a task to be done in the future.
- 1967-06-30
- 80. 気管支喘息の研究(第5報)そばアレルギーについて(喘息(I))
- 109. 静岡県富士市小学校児童の気管支喘息に関する研究(1) : 頻度調査について(喘息(VII))
- B[II]における質疑応答(B〔II〕: 減感作の基礎と臨床)
- 36.薬局勤務者における薬塵アレルギーに関する研究(薬剤アレルギー)
- 75.小児気管支喘息に関する研究 : 一地区における喘息学童の皮膚試験成績および2, 3の検討(喘息)
- (85) いわゆる米杉喘息に関する研究(第1報)(喘息〔III〕)
- (84) 気管支喘息の研究(第4報) : ひかげのかずら胞子によると考えられる職業性息喘の症例について(喘息〔III〕)
- 気管支喘息の研究 : 第4報.ひかげのかずら胞子によると考えられる職業性喘息の症例について
- 84.気管支喘息の研究(第4報)「ひかげのかづら」胞子によると考えられる職業性喘息の症例について(喘息III)
- (184) 蕁麻疹の研究(第2報) : 蕁麻疹と消化器症状との関連について(皮膚疾患とアレルギー)
- 30. 気管支喘息の研究 (第1報) : Allergy Centre 2ヵ年における気管支喘息の臨床統計(II喘息)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 86.気管支喘息の研究 (第1報) : 家塵エキスの特異性について(VIII-2 皮膚反応)
- 6)蕁麻疹の研究 (第1報) : Allergy Centre 1ヵ年における蕁麻疹の臨床集計成績(V-2 治療面)
- 3. アレルギークリニックの将来像 b)臨床側より 1)内科より(I アレルギークリニックのあり方)
- 84.鼻アレルギー症の研究(第1報) : Allergy Centre 6カ月における鼻アレルギー症の臨床集計成績(花粉症)
- 69.ソバアレルギーの1例(喘息)
- 83)気管支喘息に対する抗体産生抑制剤の影響について 第1報.
- 鼻アレルギー症の研究 : 第1報 Allergy Centre 6カ年における鼻アレルギー症の臨床集計成績
- 気管支喘息の研究 : 第1報. Allergy Centre 2年半における気管支喘息の臨床集計成績