腸内常在菌アレルギーに関する研究 : 第2報 Clostridium Welchii 毒素感作による実験的腎病変について
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2) Renal lesions caused by the sensitization with Cl. Welchii toxin, the supernatant of Cl. Welchii culture ranging from 5×0.5 ml to 3.0 ml was injected intravenously, gradually increasing thd dose, 50 times into the rabbit. The autopsy was carried out 5 days after injection. ACLθ titers and γ-globulin fraction of serum protein increased markedly after sensitization. Histologically, swelling and adhesion of glomeruli, exudation into Bowman's capsule, partial atrophy and fibrinoid degeneration, irregular hyper-trophy of basement membrane, and tubular degeneration were observed, but albumin in urine was negative. Using the supernatant of Cl. Welchii culture and the suspension of the bacillus, the long-term sensitization of guinea pigs and rabbits was made. In the guinea pigs ACLθ markedly increased after sensitization. Histologically, swelling of glomerular capillary loops, diffusecongestion of glomeruli, and partly the irregular fibrinoid degeneration of glomerular loops and the polynuclear leukocytic infiltration, similar to the acute period of nephritis, were observed. In the rabbits, congestion of glomeruli, irregular hyper-trophy of capillary interstitium, atrophic degeneration of the tubular epithelium and the infiltration of round cells into the interstitium were found. To observe the influence of Schwartzman phenomen by Cl. Welchii on the allergic reaction of the kidney, rabbits were sensitized by egg albumin and then mixed solution of egg albumin and the supernatant of Cl. Welchii culture was injected. Hiatological changes mentioned above became more markedly this procedure. Lesions similar to glomurular nephrosis and nephrosis were produced in expermental animals by the sensitization with Cl. Welchii toxins.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1966-01-30
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- 腸内常在菌アレルギーに関する研究 : 第2報 Clostridium Welchii 毒素感作による実験的腎病変について
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