旋回流中での予混合火炎の伝播に関する数値解析(熱工学, 内燃機関, 動力など)
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In order to clarify the rapid flame propagation mechanism along a vortex axis (the vortex bursting phenomenon), the steady state propagation characteristics of premixed flame in a vortex tube have been examined in detail by the numerical calculation. In this calculation, the flame is fixed in the computational domain by adding an axial flow to the unburnt premixed gas. The obtained results show quantitatively for various flow conditions that, with increasing the maximum tangential velocity, the flame propagation speed increases proportionally, and the flame diameter decreases and approaches to a constant value, and the results are independent of the kind of the vortex. Moreover, the results show that the variation of the pressure along the vortex axis occurs between the inflow part and the flame front and the pressure in the burnt region is almost uniform, and that the propagation speed corresponds to this pressure difference and it is estimated by the Bernoulli's equation.
- 2001-10-25
山下 博史
山下 博史
趙 黛青
名古屋大学大学院工学研究科 機械情報システム工学専攻
趙 黛青
趙 黛青
中国科学院 広州エネルギー研究所
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