両吸込みうず巻ポンプの許容配管荷重に関する研究 : 第1報,内圧を加味したケーシング応力分布について
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Pump casing stress caused by external piping forces and moments with added internal pressure was investigated. The test pump type was a axially split, single-stage double-suction volute with foot support. A stress analysis by FEM (MSC/NASTRAN) was first performed, after a FEM model had been accurately constructed applying a CAD system. Then, actual external piping loads were applied to four test pumps and casing stress was measured with strain gauges. Favourable agreement of analyzed and measured results of casing stress was obtained. When plural loadings were applied, it was found that the magnitude of the casing stress was significantly influenced not only by the magnitude of the loads but also by their direction. When nozzle loads from API 610-6th standard were applied in addition to internal pressure, the highest stress was seen on the nozzle surface in the vicinity of the foot connection, and the magnitude of this stress was rather great. One of the conclusion of this study was that sufficient consideration must be taken regarding casing stress caused by API loads, especially in the case of low pressure pumps.
- 1984-11-25
- 両吸込みうず巻ポンプの許容配管荷重に関する研究 : 第1報,内圧を加味したケーシング応力分布について
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