無機水和物を用いる蓄熱カプセルの放熱特性に関する研究 : 第1報, 材料の伝熱特性の基礎的検討と結晶核の存在する系の解析モデルの提案
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Analytical and experimental investigations were done on the heat removal process of a thermal energy storage capsule, using gelled Glauber salt. The process was approximately treated as a heat production phenomenon due to the crystalization from a solution. First, the relation between the amount of the heat produced and the temperature variation was measured precisely for the equilibrium state. Next, transient heat transfer characteristics of the capsule were measured in the various cooling conditions. Finally, for the case of the initial temperature lower than the saturation temperature of the encapsuled solution, the numerical analyses were performed, approximating the process by the relaxation phenomenon where the crystal grew around crystal nuclei. The results of the numerical solution, concerning the heat flux variation at the capsule wall, agreed well with the experimental results.
- 1996-12-25
大河 誠司
大河 誠司
斎藤 彬夫
新谷 忠文
新谷 忠文
岩本 竜一郎
斎藤 彬夫
東京工業大学 工学部 機械工学科 (152 目黒区大岡山2-12-1)
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