気流層石炭ガス化炉における飛散スラグ粉の焼結特性 : 第1報, 形態の異なる飛散灰の焼結特性
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Sintering behavior of flying slag particles in entrained bed coal gasifiers was examined using various amorphous and crystallized coal slags and deposits. The amorphous slag was water-quenched slag obtained by coal gasification at a pilot plant. This plant was designed to gasify 50 tons of coal per day. The crystallized slag was produced by heating the amorphous slag at 800, 850 and 900℃ for one hour. Sintering temperatures of the amorphous slags for four coals tested were all approximately 800℃. Those of the crystallized slags were higher than 800℃ and the sintering temperature increased with increasing heat treatment temperature. Those of the crystallized slags obtained by heating at 900℃ were between 950 and 1050℃. The sintering temperature of the amorphous slags was the lowest among the various flying slags, and deposits sintered by flying slag particles in the pilot plant were found at approximately 800℃, the sintering temperature of the amorphous slags. It is suggested that the sintering temperature of the amorphous slags should be considered in the design of entrained bed gasifiers from the viewpoint of safety.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1996-10-25
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- 気流層石炭ガス化炉における飛散スラグ粉の焼結特性 : 第1報, 形態の異なる飛散灰の焼結特性
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