気流層石炭ガス化炉における飛散灰の焼結特性 : 第4報, スラグとチャーの混合物の焼結特性及び各種スラグ粉の焼結開始温度
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Flying slag particles have a tendency to deposit and to sinter on the exit wall of entrained bed coal gasifiers. The measurement of the sintering temperature containing char and the relation between the sintering temperature and the ash fusion temperature were examined using eighteen kinds of coal water quenched slag and char. It was found that dilatometer was very useful to measure sintering temperatur of slag powder only, and that it was not useful to measure sintering temperature of the slag powder containing char because the shrinkage of the slag powder containing carbon was not related to the sintering. The compressire strength method was useful in order to evaluate sintering behavior of the slag powder containing char. The lowest sintering temperature of tested slags measured by dilatometer was approximately 650℃, and it was found that sintering temperature was related to the JIS melting point of the slag. Sintering temperature increased with increasing the melting point of the slag.
- 1999-08-25
植田 昭雄
入谷 淳一
上田 俊之
竹田 誠
植田 昭雄
竹田 誠
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- 気流層石炭ガス化炉における飛散灰の焼結特性
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- 11.気流層石炭ガス化炉における飛散灰の焼結特性
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- 気流層石炭ガス化炉における飛散灰の焼結特性 : 第4報, スラグとチャーの混合物の焼結特性及び各種スラグ粉の焼結開始温度
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