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This paper reports the experimental results on the natural convection heat transfer to liquid helium in a rotating field in the range 1600-3700rpm. Test surfaces are vertical plates (10mm width, 5mm height) with rectangular channels in a radial direction and upward and downward horizontal plates (8mm diameter) at radial distances of 0.3m. The results show that the heat transfer for vertical plates is approximately the same as that for horizontal ones facing upward, independent of the channel gap sizes ranging from 0.4-5mm and directions of the Coriolis force. The heat transfer can be predicted from the conventional correlation: Nu=0.13Ra^<1/3> in the Ra ranges of 10^<11>-10^<13>, if the film temperature for evaluating properties is substituted for the pseudocritical temperature only when it is above the pseudocritical temperature. The heat transfer for the horizontal plate facing downward is 1/6-1/7 of that for the one facing upward and the Ra exponent of its correlation is 0.2 in the Ra ranges of 10^<12>-10^<14>, which is the same as that for laminar free convection.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1992-03-25
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