知識工学によるCADシステムの開発 : 対象が簡単な場合の概念設計について
- 論文の詳細を見る
An aim of the investigation is to take on an intelligent aspect of CAD (ICAD) for the mechanical design through all process from conceptual to detail even though the proposition of design is inputted semantically. First report as a preliminary study is, however, limited only in the conceptual design and in the case of simple object which has relatively low degree of freedom. ICAD in this report has carried out by means of appling so-called frame representation and production rules by which knowledges and controlling rules are activated. As an actual example coupling has been designed, and in that process, design shall be convergent and shall have an unique solution started from wherever inside the set which has the common top concept, for this instance, "torque transmission between shafts".
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1985-05-25
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