非定常加熱による熱物性値の簡易測定 : 第3報,最適測定条件の理論的検討(熱工学,内燃機関,動力など)
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We developed in the previous report a simple method of measuring thermophysical properties of ceramic materials by stepwise heating. One of the important points in the method is the measuring technique of the surface temperature of a specimen in a simple and low-cost manner: the surface temperature is measured by pressing separated thermocouple wires against the specimen surface to which an aluminum foil is attached to provide high electric and thermal conductivities. In this repot the effects of the specimen thickness, heating time and the thickness of the thermocouple wire and the aluminum foil on the accuracy of the measurement have been theoretically investigated for thirteen materials, and the optimum measuring condition of the preset method has been clarified.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-03-25
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