伝達マトリックス法による回転厚肉ディスクの面外振動解析 : 剪断変形,回転慣性および遠心張力の影響
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The analysis of axial vibration of rotating thick disk, the theme of this paper, is an important issue when one analyzes blade-disk-rotor coupled vibration by the substructure synthesis method. This paper presents (1) a proper method of treating shear deformation, rotatory inertia and centrifugal tension, and (2) how the individual effects of each of these three factors depend on disk geometry. The disk is treated as a distributed stiffness and distributed inertia system. Shear deformation is introduced according to Reissner's theory. Rotatory inertia is treated as a result of body inertia force. The centrifugal tension component perpendicular to the elastic curve is a resistance to deflection. Numerical calculations based on the transfer matrix show that (1) the larger the ratio of disk thickness to its outer-minus-inner radius becomes, the larger the effect of shear deformation and rotatory inertia, and the smaller the effect of centrifugal tension become, and (2) the smaller the ratio becomes the smaller the effect of shear deformation and rotatory inertia, and the larger the effect of centrifugal tension become.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1995-12-25
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