- 論文の詳細を見る
It is known that flutter of a traveling sheet may occur during its manufacturing process under the influence of leakage flow between the traveling sheet and a guide. In order to avoid the quality defectiveness like wrinkle due to the unsteady phenomenon happening on the sheet, a nonlinear stability analysis of sheet subjected to a leakage flow are performed to study the behavior of sheet in this paper. Concretely, sheet is described as a model consisting of mass less beam elements, springs and discrete mass particles, in which the mass of each particle and spring coefficients are calculated based on the beam model. During the formulation of fluid dynamic forces, nonlinear terms are taken into account for simulation of large-amplitude vibration of sheet, showing the appearance of limit cycle vibration in high flow velocity.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-11-25
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