コンクリート製容器のライナ・アンカー解析 : 効率的な解法の選択と異なる寸法のアンカー混在の影響の検討
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The liner of a concrete vessel is strained by concrete deformation. In the design of a liner with anchors, stress analyses of the liner-anchor system are performed to determine the force on the liner and displacement of anchors. Nonlinear simultaneous equations are solved to analyze the liner-anchor system. In the present paper, three methods of analysis--the iterative method, the incremental method and the incremental-iterative combined method--are proposed to solve the nonlinear equations. Obtained results are compared to investigate the method of analysis. It is confirmed that the incremental method offers the most efficient analysis of the liner-anchor system. Usually, all anchors are assumed to have the same dimensions, but anchors of different sizes are often used in actual structures. Liners with two sizes of stud anchors are analyzed, and the effects of different anchors are investigated.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1993-12-25
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