- 論文の詳細を見る
Impact behavior of axisymmetric plastic buckling of circular tube is investigated numerically and experimentally. In order estimate performance for impact energy absorber, numerical parametric studies by FEM analyses are carried out. Tube impact experiments using aluminum circular tube have been performed for impact velocity range of 30〜70 m/s and are compared with numerical results. Good agreements are exhibited between numerical and experimental results. During the formation of one buckle, the axial load-time history shows two load peaks ; each of them corresponds to collision of outer surfaces and collision of inner sarfaces. The first peak load increases with impact velocity and presents very high value for high impact velocity, however it decays with wave propagation and after some distance propagation, it exhibits no more remarkable high amplitude and tends to approach to constant value. The mean axial crumpling load during collapsing process after the second peak load is approximately 10% higher than the static one. The axial length of one buckle shows a tendency to increase linearly with the ratio of thickness to radius of the tube. It is also showed that the crumpling mode transition from progressive buckling mode to dynamic plastic buckling mode is affected by stress-strain curve. The higher the work hardening modulus of the tube material, the more probably the tube is wrinkled over the entire length.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1997-12-25
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