- 論文の詳細を見る
A robotic manipulator is simplified by numerous beams with pinjoints between them and an anchor pinjoint at the base. The beams under impact loading are allowed to rotate about the axis of the pinjoint. The dynamic response of a vertical chain for a transverse load suddenly applied along every beam is theoretically analysed. The angular and linear acceleration of the mass center of beams, reaction force at the pinjoints, shearing force and bending moment along the beams is presented as a function of impact load. As the vertical chain consisting of one plaster beam and one steel beam, or two with a pinjoint between them, is subjected to the collision of the flier steel rod accelerated by the air gun, the location of the fracture of the plaster beam is measured experimentally. The validation of the theory is confirmed by comparison of the location of the critical bending moment with the position of the fracture of the beam.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1991-12-25
- 鋼球の傾斜衝突によるくぼみ形状とくぼみの軟化および硬化
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