- 論文の詳細を見る
The three books mentioned in the title are well-known as important documents which advocated the principles of Zen Buddhism in the Kamakura period, a time when this religious sect was beginning to flourish in Japan. In this essay the author attempts to demonstrate that none of the existing manuscripts are the genuine originals. Eisai's Kozengokokuron, when compared side by side with the "Life of Eisai" in Genkoshakusho, does have a number of strikingly resembling passages totalling nearly 2,000 words ; but the tone of the writing lacks the dignity and elegance that Eisai's character demands ; and mistaken statements abound in the book. Also, there are certain very important accounts of among other events, his journey to China, which strangely do not appear in the later compiled Genkoshakusho. These oddities are enough to convince the author that the existing manuscript is not a true Eisai selection, but was rather modelled after Genkoshakusho in a later period. Similarly Eisai's Nippon-buppochukoganmon, it is written that Eisai was allowed to wear a 'Purple Robe' by the Emperor. Such contradictions in the recording of facts combined with frequent mistakes in the use of rhetorical expression should be sufficient to prove that the existing manuscript is not the original. However, a passage in the book where we read Eisai referring to himself as 'Bosatsubiku' (In correct terms he should have had referred to himself as 'Bosatskaibiku'.) is conclusive evidence against his authorship. The general flatness of style and lack of intent advocacy in Mushyo Josho's Kozenki is further worsened by the such slips of the author's pen as referring to Rankei with the posthumous title of Daigaku Zenji when he was still alive stating that Mugaku Sogen was staying in Japan with Daigaku and Gottan, when in fact he was still in China. Furthermore, no evidance of the existence of any of the three books during the middle age is obtainable. Therefore, the author surmises that these three fervent advocacies of Zen thought were all written at the beginning of the Edo period, a time when the Rinzai Zen Buddhist Sect led by Myoshinji Temple was attempting to revitalize a religious order, which had crumbled after the collapse of the government-controlled religious hierarchial system which had been led by five noted Zen Buddhist temples (Gozan).
- 1985-08-20
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