中世低地地方における都市民衆蜂起の一形態 : ムーズ都市ウイの場合
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The problem of popular revolt in western european towns after the latter half of the thirteenth century has called many scholars' attention, because it characterises the urban social fluctuation in the late middle ages. Especially in the Low Countries, where urbanization was the most advanced in western europe, this sort of popular movement was so drastic as H.Pirenne called "democratic revolution." But scholars have recently denied generalizing his opinion, and have reexamined many urban revolts according to the various types based on their regional and urban conditions. As a case study, this paper deals with the town of Huy in the bishopric of Liege which was characterised by its prosperous industrial and economic activity as the towns of Flanders. In the formation process of the urban elite (patriciat urbain) of thirteenth century Huy, we can confirm 43 families occupying he post in the college of scabini (echevins) which was a major urban organization like jurati (jures) at that time. These families had great influence upon the municipal government in both economic and political sides. Some of these leading families participated in the woolen textile trade and financial business as well as possession of urban and rural property. They were closely connected with the town lord (bishop of Liege) especially through their offices (echevin, maire, eswardeurs de draperie, maitre de monetaire, etc.). A series of popular revolts (1255, 1297, 1299-1302) rose against such an urban elite. The first revolt of 1255 was characterised by political elements related to the movement of the town of Liege and its famous leader Henri de Dinant. At that time people of Huy (communitas) were not organized as the autonomous political party, and did not have any program to change the urban government. On the other hand, revolts of 1297 and 1299 appear as social struggles in which craft guilds (metiers) played an important role. Especially in the revolt of 1299, they exiled the former urban elite and occupied the various municipal posts in place of them. This political system was supported by the bishop of Liege (Hugues de Chalon), but it continued only two and a half years because of the political change in the principality of Liege. Nevertheless this attempt became a starting point of their later participation in the municipal government. In this point we can consider this revolt as one of the most important movements in social history of Huy.
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