党錮の「名士」再考 : 貴族制成立過程の再検討のために
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In order to find a clue to a new understanding of the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Wei-Jin 魏晋,the author reex-amines descriptions of Dang Gu 党錮,the oppression of the members of the so-called "faction" in the last decades of the Eastern Han Dynasty. This is based on the difference between the Eastern Han and the Wei-Jin, to which some scholars have already called attention, and what the author examined in previous papers on the transfiguration of Eastern Han-related descriptions from Dong Guan Han Ji 『東觀漢記』 to Fan Hua 范曄's Hou Han Shu 『後漢書』 , via Xie Cheng 謝承's Hou Han Shu and six other Hou Han Shu, influenced by the consciousness and understanding of the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the Wei-Jin. That oppression has been an important point in the research on the historical development from the late Eastern Han to the Wei-Jin and the formation of aristocratic social institutions during that period. In particular, the research of KAWAKATSU Yoshio 川勝義雄 has had a great deal of influence. KAWAKATSU argues that the so-called "upright-literati" 清流士大夫, which took the lead in the so-called "upright-group" 清流勢力, which was the origin of the aristocracy in the Wei-Jin, was organized autonomously into a pyramidal system of assessing persons 郷論関節の重層構造. His argument is principally based on the "ranking" personages 名士の「番付」, which is described in Dang Gu Lie Zhuan 党錮列伝 of Fan Hua's Hou Han Shu. However, reexamining the description of that "ranking" process with the above-mentioned transfiguration of Eastern Han-related descriptions in mind, it is obvious that on the one hand, the title in the Zhang Jian 張儉's group must have really existed in the period of Dang Gu, but on the other, the "ranking" personages in the world 天下名士の「番付」 and titles in this "ranking", such as San Jun 三君 and Ba Jun 八俊, must have appeared between the Western Jin to the Eastern Jin Dynasties. This means that the "ranking" personages in the world based on the understanding of the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the Wei-Jin, therefore, cannot overrate the relationship of literati 士大夫 in the period of Dang Gu. This brings up the subjects of local powerful families, and Wang Fa 王法, the idea of rule which spread from the center to the local level, the provinces Jun 郡 in which the rule of Wang Fa appeared, and, moreover, reconsidering various subjects of the formation of aristocratic institutions from the view of the relation between local powerful families and the Wang Fa. This also brings up the subjects of the self-identification of the aristocracy in the Wei-Jin and the legitimacy of these dynasties, through the way in which these descriptions were made. These points need to be investigated when researching in the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Wei-Jin in the future.
- 2002-10-20
- 党錮の「名士」再考 : 貴族制成立過程の再検討のために
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