- 論文の詳細を見る
Due to the mid-sixteenth century "Single Whip Tax" reform one of the labor service duties called the Miscellaneous Labor Tax (雑役) was transformed into a tax paid for with silver. In three Nan-chih-li prefectures -Soochou, Sungchiang, and Ch'angchou...and two Chekiang prefectures -Huchou and Chiahsing the Miscellaneous Labor Tax duties related to grain transport and storage, however, remained unchanged as actual labor service duties. It is wrong to view these labor posts (the 解戸 and 斗級) as existing independently as labor taxes, for they were, included among the labor services of the village chief (里長) and grain chief (糧長). Thus, the reform of these particular miscellaneous labor tax duties became a problem that was dealt with by the "equal fields equal labor sevices measure". At its Inception this measure was called either the equal fields (均田) or the equal chia (均甲) proposal in Chekiang and the limited fields proposal (限田議) in Nan-chih-li. This measure aimed at equalizing each village's and chia's capability of bearing the labor tax by forming villages and chia according to an equal land quota. To achieve this the government had to restrict the gentry's labor service exemption privilege (優免) by strictly treating all gentry owned land beyond the set exemption quota as labor taxable land -just as if a commoner owned it. In actual fact, the gentry proved unwilling to bear this tax, and so the problem remained unsolved. Instead, it turned out necessary to carry out other reforms : (1) labor taxes were to be assessed according to land ownership and paid for in silver ; (2) in assessing the labor service tax the government was to accord a rank to each household, including urban resident households and gentry households, whereby its labor tax burden would be set ; (3) the formation of tax-bearing and labor service groups (called 官図 and 官甲) exclusively for the gentry ; (4) transport is to be carried out by the government ; (5) a labor tax was to be borne by urban residents ; (6) taxpayers were to pay in their taxes directly without the intermediary services of tax farmers.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 1976-06-20
- 九州眼鏡橋の石橋技術
- 東アジア石橋の比較技術史--中国江南虹橋と日本九州眼鏡橋における環境の役割
- 明清時期杭嘉湖市鎮史研究/陳学文(1993)
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- 斯波義信著, 『宋代江南経済史の研究』, 汲古書店、一九八八年三月、六一二+二六頁、二一、〇〇〇円
- 岩見宏著『明代徭役制度の研究』(東洋史研究叢刊之三十九)
- 明末、江南五府における均田均役法
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- 今堀誠二著 『中国封建社会の構造 : その歴史と革命前夜の現実』, (日本学術振興会, 一九七八年六月, 九二八頁, 一二五〇〇円)
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- 1998年度東海大学史学会大会公開講演 環シナ(東・南)海地域間交流と明清帝国
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