明治十七年の地方制度改革 : 埼玉県の事例を中心に
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This paper analyses the origins and effects of the local government reforms in 1884. The reforms consisted of the enlargement of the jurisdictions of village and town heads(kocho), making the post kocho appointive, and enforcing regulations on village and town assemblies. In Chapter I, the author examines the thinking of bureaucrats and prefectural governors. From this analysis, we find that the 1884 reforms had two different phases. One was the reform of the office of kocho(kocho-yakuba); the other the reform of village and town assemblies. The former was a measure against to correct instability in kocho-yakuba, and the latter was a reaction against People's Rights Movement. In Chapter II, the background of the reform of kocho-yakuba is analyzed by examining the case of Saitama Prefecture. In the period preceding the reform, kocho was in a weak posion vis-a-vis villagers. The reason for this was that villagers regarded kocho as a protector of private interests, and thus kocho could not carry out procedures that were against villagers' private interests, such as the exaction of taxes. However during this period this idea became a fiction, because the interests of villagers were no longer homogeneous. As a result, the administration of kocho-yakuba became unstable and its reform necessary. In Chapter III, the effects of the reform are analyzed. By separating kocho from the villagers, the reform made it possible for the former to assume stronger attitudes towards villagers. Up until now, other studies of local communities in modern Japan have understood the reform in 1884 as a matter between the central government and kocho. This paper, however, argues that the reform was a matter between kocho and villagers. In other words, the author believes matters between the government and the middle class should be distinguished from matters between the middle class and people.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 2000-07-20
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