Numerical Computation of Unsteady Laminar Boundary Layers with Separation Using Two-parameter Integral Method
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A new two-parameter integral method is presented which is applicable to unsteady two-dimensional laminar boundary layers whether they are separated or not. The governing equations consist of three moments of boundary layer equation and the assumed velocity profiles are those of unsteady trailing edge flow and Falkner-Skan flow with slip(non-zero wall velocity). The governing equation system being hyperbolic, the spontaneous generation of singularity associated with unsteady separation is confirmed as the focusing of characteristics. The obtained results of the boundary layer quantities as well as the generation of separation singularity are in good agreement with those of exact methods (e.g. van Dommelen and Shen) for starting flows of cylinders.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
Murata Shigeru
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Kyoto University
Murata Shigeru
Department Of Basic Science Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Akamatsu Teruaki
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Kyoto University
Akamatsu Teruaki
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto University
Department of mechanical engineering, Kyoto University
Matsushita Michinori
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Kyoto University
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