大形疲れ試験の結果について : 第5報, き裂疲れ強さおよびき裂進行速度と試験片寸法
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This paper is succeeded by No.2 and No.4 reports of the same title in which propagation of fatigue cracks on large smooth surface and fillet specimens has been dealt with. In this paper, the author has studied the following two problems : (1) The fatigue strength of large smooth specimens having a diameter of 130 mm with fine cracks artificially produced beforehand by sea water corrosion. (2) The influence of size on the fatigue strength of cracked specimens and propagation speed of fatigue cracks. The test results have revealed that the fatigue limit of steel specimens, 130 mm in diameter with fine corrosion cracks on the surface is about ±11.0 kg/mm^2. This limit coincides with the result assumed by studying the crack propagation of specimens, 120 mm in diameter. Analytical investigation of the propagation speed of fatigue cracks of 60 φmm and 20 φmm specimens has shown that the fatigue limit of these specimens are assumed to be about ±12.0 kg/mm^2 and ±15.0 kg/mm^2 respectively, when fine cracks may previously exist on their surfaces. From the above results, it may be stated that the fatigue limit of smooth specimens having fine cracks on their surface will tend to increase as the diameter deccreases. On the other hand, from the analytical studies on the shape of shelly patterns on the fracture surface, the propagation of fatigue crack may be given approximately by the following formulae in connection with the diameter of specimen : [numerical formula] Where : υ_c is propagation speed of fatigue crack μ/c, υσ_n : stress on the edge line of fracture surface kg/mm^2,σ_n : stress on the specimen having no creck, υ : stress magnifying factor due to crack, σ_0 : fatigue limit of cracked specimen kg/mm^2,σ_8 : yielding point of the material kg/mm^2,K and k : constants varying according to the properties of material and range of υσ_n, d : diameter of specimen mm.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1961-10-25
- 日本材料学会疲労試験方法規約および同規格解説について : 規格作成のいきさつ
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