Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation
Suzuki Ikuno
Nissei Service Co
Yonezawa Morio
Res. Inst. Adv. Sci &technol Osaka Pref. Univ
Yonezawa Morio
Res. Inst. Adv. Sci. Tech. Univ. Osaka Pref.
Amano Futaba
Nissei Service Co
Misonoh Jun
OJIMA Mitusaki
Tokai Univ. Fac. Technol.
CRIEPI, Komae Res. Lab.
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation
- Effeqts of Chlorella vulgaris E-25 on the number of splenic lynphocytes of mice after X-irradiation.
- Radio-adaptive Response in Mice - Suppression of p53 and Bax Accumulation in the Spleen after 3 Gy by Pre-irradiation with 0.45 Gy
- Trp53 dependency of radio-adaptive responses in endogenous spleen colonies and peripheral blood cell counts in C57BL mice
- Stimulated recovery of endogenous spleen colonies and decrease of bone marrow death in radioadaptive survival response in C57BL/6N mice
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation -XI.
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation : IX.
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation : X.
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation : VIII.
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation : VII.
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose lrradiation - V.
- Effect of Low Dose Irradiation on the ConA Response of Mouse Splenic Lymphocytes
- Effect of Low Dose Irradiation on the ConA Response of Mouse Splenic Lymphocytes (II)
- Effects of Repeated Irradiation on a Biological Response with High Sensitivity to Exposure (IV)
- Studies on the Molecular Mechanism of Acquired Radio-restance by Small Dose Pre-irradiation in Mice
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradi-ation - VI.