Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose lrradiation - V.
Yonezawa Morio
Res. Inst. Adv. Sci &technol Osaka Pref. Univ
Misonoh Jun
Bio-sci. Dept Komae Branch Criepi
Misonoh Jun
Res. Inst. Adv. Sci. Tech. , Univ. Osaka Pref.
Hosokawa Yasushi
Res. Inst. Adv. Sci. &technol. Osaka Pref. Univ.
Res. Inst. Adv. Sci. &Technol. , Osaka Pref. Univ.
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation
- Effeqts of Chlorella vulgaris E-25 on the number of splenic lynphocytes of mice after X-irradiation.
- Radio-adaptive Response in Mice - Suppression of p53 and Bax Accumulation in the Spleen after 3 Gy by Pre-irradiation with 0.45 Gy
- Trp53 dependency of radio-adaptive responses in endogenous spleen colonies and peripheral blood cell counts in C57BL mice
- Stimulated recovery of endogenous spleen colonies and decrease of bone marrow death in radioadaptive survival response in C57BL/6N mice
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation -XI.
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation : IX.
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation : X.
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation : VIII.
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradiation : VII.
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose lrradiation - V.
- Effect of Low Dose Irradiation on the ConA Response of Mouse Splenic Lymphocytes
- Effect of Low Dose Irradiation on the ConA Response of Mouse Splenic Lymphocytes (II)
- Effects of Repeated Irradiation on a Biological Response with High Sensitivity to Exposure (IV)
- Studies on the Molecular Mechanism of Acquired Radio-restance by Small Dose Pre-irradiation in Mice
- Modification of Radiosensitivity by Low Dose Irradi-ation - VI.