虫垂炎切除患者の神経質傾向 : 術前・術後の比較研究
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Purpose : The purpose of this study is concerned with the degree of changes of patients nervous tendencies before and after the operation. Method : We selected 100 items out of 220 items of Thirstiness (Thurstone. L. L.) Questionnaire and classified them into 3 groups : healthiness (H), sociality (S) and emotionality (E). We also divided the items of the same degree of validity into 50 items each. Thus, "Nervousness Test" was made to be consisted of Form A and Form B each form having an equal value. This test is given to the patients, that is, Form A given before the operation, while Form B after the operation (Subjects : ♂67, ♀53 total number of 120). Results : The average total scores for Form A and B are as follow ; according to Form A the male patients scored 8,72 (S.D=7.25) and the female patients scored. 9.77 (S.D=7.08) . According to Form B the male patients scored 6.15 (S.D=6.02) . whereas female patients scored 8.83 (S. D=7.45) . Hence, not much significant difference is observable between the two tests. On the average, there is 2 points difference between the two. In general, as for sociality there is no difference and the scores are low. Regarding healthiness and emotionality, however, we can observe some slight difference between the tests given before and after the operation, particularly so with respect to emotionality. In other words, a sort of a feeling of anxiety or of fear appeared before the operation and the tension was reduced after the operation. Female patients are generally more nervous than male patients. The degree of nervousness can also be influenced by the degree of seriousness of the case, age and sex difference of the patients.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 「教育心理学の新しいあり方を求めて(III)」
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- 虫垂炎切除患者の神経質傾向 : 術前・術後の比較研究
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- 虫垂炎切除患者の神経質傾向 : 術前・術後の比較研究
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