- 論文の詳細を見る
In five species of Otocryptops (Cryptopidae, Scolopendromorpha, Chilopoda), a wide variation of karyotypes and of the sex-chromosome types were found to occur. In some of the morphologically same species, different karyotypes were observed according to the geographical distribution. Based on a comparative karyotype study in the materials collected from the central, western and southern parts of Japan, and in the limited areas near Hamamatsu city, the karyological relationship among different species as well as within the phenotypically same species was commented to some extent.
- 1966-08-30
- 多足類の染色体研究,XVII.アカムカデ頴(唇脚類)についての細胞学的並びに分有学的考察
- 7.アカムカデ属に見られた地理学的分布と核型との関係(動物分類学会第2会大会講演要旨)
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