Molecular Mechanism of Radiation Carcinogenesis from the Viewpoint of Initiation Frequency and Mutation Spectrum in Radiation-induced Cancer
Kamiya Kenji
Dept. Develop. Biol. And Oncol. Res. Inst. Radiat. Biol. Med. Hiroshima Univ.
Kamiya Kenji
Dept. Mol. Pathol. Res. Inst. Rad. Biol. Med. Hiroshima Univ.
- 誘発突然変異と損傷乗り越えDNA合成を制御するPCNAのモノユビキチン化反応の解析 (第50回原子爆弾後障害研究会 特集号)
- Two Major Factors Involved in the Reverse Dose-rate Effect for Somatic Mutation Induction are the Cell Cycle Position and LET Value
- 242 Analysis of apoptosis induction in Nbs1 deficient cells(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 206 Functional Domain Analysis of NBS1 Gene in Homologous Recombinational Repair(Physics, chemistry and DNA damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 182 Effect of gravity stress on homologous recombination(Environmental effects of radiation, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 98 Localization of Rad51 protein in cells from patients with Fanconi Anemia D1 group(Repair of radiation damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 19 Analysis of Mutation Induction By Low Dose Rate Tritium Radiation Using Hyper Sensitive Detection System(Low dose and low dose-rate effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- S-3-1 Mechanisms of DNA double-strand break repair(Biological Effects of Low Dose and Low Dose-rate Irradiations, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Analysis of the cell death after irradiation in the cells with defective DNA repair
- Mutation screening for a novel cancer-predisposition syndrome of total PCS
- p53-Binding Protein 1 (53BP1) is Involved in the Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks
- Analysis of the function of NBS1 in DNA double-strand break repair
- Histone H2AX regulates the formation of NBS1 foci on DNA damage sites
- Dissociation of ATM/NBS1 functions in telomere maintenance
- NBS1 is involved in recognition of DNA damage and initiation of homologous recombination.
- The relationship between the minimally deleted region of the mouse chromosome 2 and the murine acutemyeloid leukemia development.
- Bystander mutagenic effect of alpha particle in human-hamster hybrid cells
- Somatic Mutation Caused by Low Dose Rate Tritium Radiation : Studies Using A Hyper-sensitive DetectionSystem
- Complementation studies of immortalized cell lines from infants with total PCS
- Establishement of mouse Nbs1-deficient cell lines by gene targeting
- Association of cells from Fanconi anemia patients with radiation sensitivity
- Association of DNA repair protein NBS1 with telomere maintenance
- The function of NBS1 and histone H2AX in the early process of DNA repair.
- 誘発突然変異と損傷乗り越えDNA合成 : REV1の構造と生化学的機能
- 損傷乗り越えDNA合成と発癌 (特集 DNAの損傷・修復と疾患)
- P054 Effect of REV1 on the survival of human cells after various DNA damages(Poster Session)
- W2-2 Effect of REV1 on the survival of human cells after various DNA damages(Workshop(2) : Translesion DNA Synthesis and Mutagenesis)
- 放射線発がんのメカニズム (第46回原子爆弾後障害研究会) -- (シンポジウム 原子爆弾後障害研究の将来の展望--これからの10年間に期待される成果)
- シンポジウム-1 広島大学21世紀COEプログラム「放射線災害医療開発の先端的研究教育拠点-ゲノム障害科学に基づく学術基盤の確立と医療展開-」の概要
- マウス肝癌で発現が亢進している新規遺伝子 cis-retinol/androgen dehydrogenase type 3 (CRAD 3) の機能解析
- 一般演題 38 損傷乗り越えDNA合成に関与するヒトREV1タンパク質の生化学的解析
- 放射線誘発DNA損傷修復およびアポトーシスにおけるTIP60ヒストンアセチル化酵素複合体の役割
- Cloning of a mouse novel gene, MA141-36, and its human homologue overexpressed in hepatocellular carcinomas
- Radiation-induced internal developmental abnormalities in scid mice
- Biophysical Estimation of 131I Absorbed Doses and Changes in Plasma Free T3 and TSH After an ^I Injection in Newborn, Puberty and Adult Rats
- Tumor induction by monoenergetic neutrons in B6C3F1 mice
- Radiation-induced Apoptotic Cell Death in Human Gastric Epithelial Tumor Cells
- Analysis of Radjaiton-Induced Mammary Carcinogenesis : Susceptibility of rat mammary glands in different ages
- Analysis of Mierosatellite Loci and Genetic Changes in ^cf and DEN Induced Hepatic Tumors
- N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine(BHP)誘発肺癌モデルに対する霊芝菌糸体培養基熱水抽出物(MAK)の予防効果 (第12回日本未病システム学会論文集)
- 新しい緊急被ばく医療と広島大学の役割--緊急被ばく医療ネットワークと人材育成 (第50回原子爆弾後障害研究会 特集号) -- (特別講演 国際基準への貢献,WHO-REMPAN等の緊急被ばく医療ネットワークについて)
- A Miso (Japanese Soybean Paste) Diet Conferred Greater Protection against Hypertension than a Sodium Chloride Diet in Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats
- Genetic Analysis of Radiation-induced Mouse Hepatocellular Carcinomas by Differential Display Technique
- Radiation Induction of Gemline Mutation at a Hypervariable Mouse Minisatellite Locus
- 94 The dynamics of histone acetylase complex on DNA damaged repair(Repair of radiation damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- The role of TIP60 histone acetylase complex in radiation induced DNA damaged repair
- Decreased expression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein related protein-1(IGFBP-rP1) gene inradiation-induced mouse hepatomas
- 110 Translesion DNA synthesis by human REV1-REV7 complex(Repair of radiation damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- p53 Gene Mutation and Loss of Heterozygosity of Chromosome 11 in Methylcholanthrene-induced Mouse Sarcomas
- Genetic analysis of radiation-induced mouse hepatocellular carcinomas by differential display technique
- LOH Analysis of Mouse Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines and Its Relationship with the Biological Feature.
- Mechanism of the transferase reaction of the Rev1 protein
- Characterization of human Rev1 gene
- Molecular Mechanism of Radiation Carcinogenesis from the Viewpoint of Initiation Frequency and Mutation Spectrum in Radiation-induced Cancer