Abnormal Morphogenesis of Sea Urchin Embryo Induced by UV Partial Irradiation Given at Cleavage Stage
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Morphological abnormalities due to UV partial irradiation to 8 or 16 cell embryos were studied in the sea urchin (He micentrotus puicherrimus) embryo. UV irradiation on the animal hemisphere of 8, 16 cell embryos inhibited normal development at the gastrula stage and caused the formation of exogastrula. UV irradiation of the vegetal hemisphere arrested the normal development at the blastula stage and inhibited the gastrulation and the skeleton formation, giving rise to permanent blastula. Ultraviolet light (UV) has been used for better understanding of the morphogenesis in the early development of various animals. The pattern of the body segment of a harlequin fly, Chironomus dorsalis altered drastically by UV irradiation (Yajima, 1964;1 Kalthoff, 1971, 19732, 3)). Two types of double malformation, 'double cephalon' and 'double abdomen' are formed by UV partial irradiation to either the posterior or the anterior half of Chironomus eggs, respectively.
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