Relation of Radiation to Gastric Carcinoma Observed in Autopsy Cases in a Fixed Population,Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1961-74
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A study was made of the relation to atomic bomb radiation of 535 cases of gastaic carcinoma among 4,694 deaths occurring in a fixed population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki who were autopsied between 1961 and 1974. The proportion of all autopsies with gastric carcinoma as autopsy diagnosis tended to be high in the high dose group, but it could not be concluded with the present amount of information that there is a relation between gastric carcinoma and radiation in this autopsy study. Although no specific distribution of the histological types of gastric carcinoma was noted by radiation dose, the data indicated increases in the degree of extension of tumor cells in the gastric wall and the degree of metastasis to the lymph nodes seemed to be high in the high dose group. It is well known that radiation has carcinogenic effects, and increased frequencies have been demonstrated in the A-bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for such malignancies as leukemia, thyroid cancer, Iung cancer, breast cancer and salivary gland tumor. The question of the involvement of A-bomb radiation in the development of gastric carcinoma in the survivors is of great significance because of its high prevalence in the Japanese. A study of gastric carcinoma in A-bomb survivors was made earlier by Murphy and Yasuda.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
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- Relation of Radiation to Gastric Carcinoma Observed in Autopsy Cases in a Fixed Population,Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1961-74
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