- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to obtain the glasses of the system B_2O_3-CdO-La_2O_3 Stable against devitrification, the investigations concerning this phenomenon have been carried out. According to Frenkel's nucleation theory, the rate of nucleation depends mainly on the degree of supercooling, the diffusion rate of molecules or ions, and the surface tension between the nucleus and the liquid. The authors, therefore, measured the liquidus temperature, the viscosity, and the surface tension of the ternary system B_2O_3-CdO-La_2O_3,using differential thermal analysis to determine the degree of devitrification, and X-ray diffraction to identfy the crystals. The results obtained are summarized as fo11ows : ( I ) The glass-formation range is limited by the immiscibility in B_2O_3 rich region and by the devitrification In oxide rich region, and it was observed that the crystal appeared was different from those outside of the boundary. ( 2 ) The effect of the addition of the components such as SiO_2,GeO_2,As_2O_3,Sb_2O_5,BeO, Al_2O_3' TiO_2,ZrO2,ThO_2,Ta_2O_5,Nb_2O_5,WO_3,and ZnO on the devitrification was studied. Of these components, the addition of SiO_2,GeO_2,and BeO (<2%) Iowered tbe liquidus temperature and increased the viscosity of the base glass, and Al_2O_3 also lowered the liquidus temperature ; they were effective to reduce the devitrification. TiO_2 and ZrO_2,which reduce the devitrification, act in same different way to the same effect, namely, the former by lowering the liquidus temperature, while the latter by increasing the viscosity. ( 3 ) The more stable glass has had lower liquidus temperature and higher viscosity at the same temperature. On the other hand, the viscosity at the lower limit in the devitrification range was never constant. The more stable the glass, the lower was the viscosity at the lower limit. Thus the viscosity range of the more stable glass was narrower than that of the less stable type. ( 4 ) The differencial thermal analysis curve of the more stable glass showed a lower exothermic peak which moved towared higher temperature where glass had lower viscosity. ( 5 ) The activation energy of the crystal growth rate was not constant when refered to wide temperature range, it varied from 61 .4 to 129 kcal/mol. In the range 660°to 820℃, being about a half of the activation energy of viscous flow at the same temperatures. A similar relatian was found in CdO・B_2O_3 and Li_2O・2 SiO_2 glasses.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1962-05-01
- 高珪酸の硼珪酸ガラスにおける熔融欠点
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- オプトエレクトロニクス用機能性ガラス (機能性セラミックス)
- 金属アルコレ-トから作成したAl2O3-SiO2及びAl2O3-TiO2-SiO2系非晶体に関する二,三の実験
- DTA測定によるCaO-Ga_2O_3-GeO_2系ガラス融液の結晶化挙動
- Fabrication of Hollow Glass Microspheres in the Na2O-B2O3-SiO2 System from Metal Alkoxides
- Glass Formation of the SiO2-B2O3 System by the Gel Process from Metal Alkoxides
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- レ-ザ-核融合研究用中空ガラス微小球の製作
- Glass Formation through Hydrolysis of Si(OC2H5)4 with NH4OH and HCl Solution
- Si(OC_2H_5)_4から作成した石英ガラス類似非晶体について
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- 3.チタンイオンを含むガラスの性質におよぼす還元熔融の効果(研究発表講演要旨)
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- 12.ガラス形成酸化物の導入による硼酸塩系光学ガラスの安定化(研究発表講演要旨)
- 提言
- 国家プロジェクトにみる材料開発を中心とした最近の研究動向
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