- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to make clear reasonable executive conditions of steel fiber reinforced high strength shotcrete (SFRS) constructed in an elastic or a time dependent soft rock tunnel with large scale, a numerical analysis has been conducted, by taking the velocity of tunnel face progress, the elasto-plastic behavior of steel supports and the time dependency of strength of SFRS into account. It has been recognized that SFRS is a reasonable primary lining for several types of ground conditions, especially for the squeezing ground with time dependency. High strength at early stage of its execution and the toughness after its yielding contribute to the safety construction of a large scaled tunnel.
- 2002-02-15
- 研究 トンネル模型実験における誤差特性
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- トンネル切羽前方地盤の力学特性の推定