冷間圧延したSUS 304ステンレス鋼の水素ぜい化特性に及ぼす窒素の影響
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Effect of nitrogen content has been investigated on hydrogen embrittlement of cold-rolled SUS 304 with the content 0.05%, 0.13% and 0.18%. The bend-test was employed for evaluating the hydrogen embrittlement and the number of bendings before failure was measured for H-free and H-changed specimens (N : H-free, N_H : H-charged). The main results are as follows : (1) For specimens whose Vickers hardness was below HV400, the number of bendings before failure of H-charged specimens (NR) increased with increasing nitrogen content. This effect of nitrogen content was not observed in specimens with HV>400. (2) The ratio of hydrogen embrittlement [R_H=(N-N_H)/N] increased with increasing Vickers hardness. For specimens whose Vickers hardness was below HV400, the effect of nitrogen content was observed on the hydrogen embrittlement. The R_H of 0.05%-N and 0.13%-N specimens were the same and were greater than the R_H of specimens containing 0.18%N. For specimens whose Vickers hardness was in the vicinty of HV400, the R_H of all kind of specimens were almost the same. (3) Factors of the hydrogen embrittlement were strain-induced α' and ε martensite. The ratio of hydrogen embrittlement increased with increasing α' and ε martensite. For specimens whose α' martensite content was less than 35%, the influence of ε martensite content was observed on the hydrogen embrittlement.
- 1992-05-15
- 冷間圧延した安定および準安定オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼の水素ぜい化特性の比較
- 冷間加工した準安定オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼の水素ぜい化
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- 306 SUS 304ステンレス鋼の水素ぜい化特性に及ぼす窒素の影響(応力腐食割れ)
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- 金属物品の破面形態とその破壊原因
- 冷間圧延したSUS 304ステンレス鋼の水素ぜい化特性に及ぼす窒素の影響
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