パソコンによる複合材料の応力解析プログラム開発 : (<小特集>高分子系複合材料小特集)
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It has become now possible to analyze by a personal computer even complicated problems with required a large sized computer before, because of remarkable development of personal computers. In the present study, the personal computer program of F.E.M. by triangular elements has been developed in order to analyze the stresses in composite materials. It is shown that the mechanical behavior of composite materials can be analyzed by the developed computer program. As the accuracy of analysis by triangular elements depends strongly on the number of nodes and elements, the program by isoparametric elements which have good accuracy of calculations has been also developed. And the formulation has been evaluated by the comparison between theoretical value and calculational one under bending conditions of isotropic and anisotropic plates. In case of stress analysis for isotropic materials by isoparametric elements, the computational results were in good agreement with the theoretical ones. In case of triangular elements, the computational results agreed with the theoretical ones when the number of nodes was more than 150. The stress analysis for anisotropic materials, however, the computational results by both isoparametric and triangular elements were similar. Therefore, the F.E.M. by triangular elements is considered reasonable for composite materials. The pre-and post-processing programs utilizing the graphics capabilities of the personal computer have been also developed. As the results of the present study, it is recognized that the developed personal computer program is very useful for structure design of composite materials.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1990-03-15
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