- 論文の詳細を見る
Recovery and recrystallization processes of pure silver and its alloys containing about 0.1 at % of cadmium, tin or antimony deformed 40〜90% by rolling at-196〜60℃ were examined by micro-Bickers hardness and electrical resistivity measurements. The recrystallization temperature of these alloys decreased with increasing area reduction and with lowering deformation temperature. The solute elements which have large binding energy with atomic vacancies raised the recrystallization temperature of silver, because they trap atomic vacancies and inhibit their migration. When the kind and the quantity of the solute elements were fixed, Δρ_E/Δρ_W was shown to be almostly constant independent of the degree and the temperature of deformation, where Δρ_W and Δρ_E are the increment of specific resistivity by the plastic deformation and the decrement of it by the recovery process, respectively. For a definite deformation condition, the recrystallization temperature of the alloy increased with increasing Δρ_E/Δρ_W.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1984-12-15
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- 245 国産 ASTM A-302B 厚鋼板の潜孤溶接部の機械的性質について(原子力・委員会報告講演・分析, 性質, 第 73 回(春季)講演大会講演論文集 (II))
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