- 論文の詳細を見る
A supersaturated Cu-26Ni-8Fe alloy was deformed by cold rolling and the changes occurring on annealing at 750℃ have been followed by hardness testing and optical and electron microscopy observation. It was found that a modulated structure formed prior to recrystallization of a supersaturated solid solution. In the case of the heavily deformed sample, the iron nickel-rich phases grow anywhere including grain boundaries or deformation bands, and the recrystallization can start in the area free of the modulated structure around the coagulated iron nickel-rich phases. Therefore, the recrystallized structure consists of fine equiaxed copper-rich and iron nickel-rich grains termed the microduplex structure. The structure has a good strength and ductility at room temperature. The structure also has a suitable high temperature stability and so appears capable of undergoing superplastic deformation at 750℃. The strain rate sensitivity index of flow stress m of about 0. 5 was obtained and the specimen maintained a relatively fine equiaxed grain structure even after large elongation at 750℃.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1981-11-15
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