単純酸化物の電子分極率, 光学的塩基度及び結合エネルギーに対するイオン間相互作用の効果
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Interaction parameter A proposed in Yamashita-Kurosawa's theory has been calculated for numerous single component oxides. It has been assumed that in the case of simple oxides it represents, through the electronic polarizabilities of the ionic pair the interaction between oxide ion and the corresponding cation due to overlapping of their outermost electronic orbitals to form a chemical bond. It has been proposed that the parameter A is closely related to the pohrizability of the oxide ion as well as the optical basicity of the oxides. The obtained almost linear distribution of the basicity in respect to Yamashita-Kurosawa's parameter A could be used as an optical basicity scale for simple oxides. Systematic decrease of the Ols and outermost cation binding energies with decreasing interaction parameter has been established. It has been associated with decreased charge overlapping between electronic shells of the oxide ion and cation, which relates to large electronic polarizabilities of both cation and oxide ion and increased optical basicity, that is increased ionicity of the chemical bond.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1999-11-01
- 単純酸化物におけるイオンの電子分極率, 光学的塩基度及び金属(又は非金属)元素の結合エネルギー
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