- 論文の詳細を見る
The study was carried out on the variation of the fatigue strength and the mechanical properties due to cold drawing and annealing for the specimens of nickel silver wire. The specimens were cold drawn and straightened again into 2 m/mφ, and Haigh-Robertson testing machines were used for the fatigue test. The followings are the results obtained : (1) Due to cold working the nickel silver wire was increased in tensile strength, yield strength, spring limlt, hardness, and fatigue strength, but, on the contrary, decreased in elongation. The number of torsion attained to the maximum when the specimens were reduced to 20%. (2) Low annealing effects do not make the fatigue strength increase for the cold drawn and straightened specimens. Especially, in the case of low drawn wire materials, the mechanical properties and fatigue strength will decrease with annealing temperature. As for high drawn wire, the mechanical properties and fatigue strength whose values are lower than those which are not low annealed were increased at 250〜350℃. (3) The value of the fatigue ratio of the nickel silver wire was 0.35 when cold drawn and approximately 0.25 when low annealed. (4) The value of spring limit corresponds to the value of yield strength which may be calculated from the results of tension tests.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1961-01-15
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